To break the cruise down a stop over was had around Byron Bay on Wednesday night with the rest of the trip down being done on the Thursday. With the timing of the cruise in the morning aligning to when we could book onto the White Albatross Caravan park, lunch was had at The Clog Barn in Coffs Harbour. Cant recommend anything with Curry ketchup enough. Don’t know what it is click here!
Spent the morning watching till lunch then headed back up to Valla Beach campsite where VW Spectacular is being held.
Had a mooch around the trade stands and a further walk around the site looking at different cars that where missed previously. That night we headed back to White Albatross via getting some ingredients for a nice Japanese chicken curry. Stunning! Night was spent with a few beers and a couple of movies.

With the long haul back being done the following day it was a slow arvo with a few more wanders and chats at the Valla show then back to site. That night the Nambucca Heads RSL was the hosts to a great group meal.

As with all events (it appears) over the past few years we have seen then sadly promoted and then moved due to national restrictions or some natural environmental issues. To final get to an event was good, when the event was promising the chance to finally see some Vee Dubs, it wasn’t a bad event to kick start things again.
The trip started on Wed 27th July, ending the following Sunday 31st July.
After settling in for the night and having a few beers as a relaxer the following day was about heading down to Raleigh Raceway to watch the action down at the track at the Lap Dash.
A fine selection of vehicles were out on the track taking part in the ‘Ben Durie Memorial’ run all under the watchful eye of the Raleigh Motorsports Association.

Up with the lark on the Saturday to have breakfast and to head down to get involved with the street parade with the masses. The format is a convoy from Valla down to Nambucca Heads where the dubs take over and its harder to work out if there are more cars than people! Great few hours walking around nose to tail Volkswagens!

Morning was wrap up, pack down and haul out. Campsite was cracking with a steady cruise back to the sunshine state with a minor bit of excitment occuring with a refuel on a slope and realising that the recent fil of the fuel gauge needed to be re-looked at as the fuel seal was not sealing! Happy to say that it was a simle fix when I got back home!